Free SAT Reading Practice Tests

ProProfs Free Online SAT Practice Test: Requires registration, 2-3 full SAT tests, plus 168 Critical Reading, 87 Writing, 129 Math questions. This website may seem a little strange at first, but it's a wonderful resource. 2 full SATs are available immediately after registration, and the 3rd one becomes available if you write two posts to the onsite SAT message board. Although this only takes a minute or two, it buys you another full test. All full tests are online, timed, and taken section by section. At the completion of each section, ProProfs gives you a raw score to write down. When finished with the entire test, you can enter the raw scores to get scores out of 800. This is a tiny bit more work but is not a huge inconvenience. Also after each section comes a page listing all of your incorrect or skipped answers, and this page contains explanations for these questions. Although all 3 tests have essays, no sample essays are given. The individual questions are also incredibly useful. Not only are there a boatload of them, you can review the questions at the end and see explanations. While the math and writing explanations are great, the critical reading explanations are not quite as detailed. Also in the individual questions is a 3-section practice SAT on math. I fully recommend using this site and its easy-to-use 999 practice SAT questions.

INeedAPencil Tests: Account required, but email activation not necessary, 2 full-length SAT Tests in PDF format, Customized Practice Questions, Single-Question Generator Questions. Registration and test download are fast, but as they are not online, they must be printed out. Answer sheets and explanations are also available. The explanations are very thorough, but no sample essay response is shown in the full-length tests. Customized Practice Questions allow you to choose the number of questions desired in either math, writing, or critical reading. A useful feature allows you to test your weakest areas. The single-question generator is very easy to use, and shows an explanation after each question. In addition, there are 60 short online lessons sorted by topic, and most of them are math-oriented. I highly recommend this site whether you need entire exams or just a few questions.

MajorTests SAT Prep: No registration, 249 Critical Reading, 132 Writing, 240 Math. This easy-to-use site has a plethora of online tests that are divided by category. Quizzes are automatically graded, and you can view detailed explanations for problems you missed. Even more incredible are the segmented lists of 1400+ vocabulary words that can be viewed online or in PDF. I cannot find anything wrong with this superb resource for short SAT quizzes.

4Tests Practice SAT Exam: No registration, 67 math questions and 50 critical reading questions. Tests are easy to take, and the answers with explanations can be reviewed either after completing a question or finishing the whole test. The site is heavily ad-supported, and there are many pop-up ads that may prove quite distracting. Exams may be saved or continued with the creation of an account. This is a decent site for math and critical reading practice since it's so easy to use and there's a good amount of questions, but make sure you have a pop-up blocker or a lot of patience.

SATPracticeTest Free Questions and Answers: No registration, 10 Math, 10 Critical Reading. Pretty simple website, with four 5-question quizzes. The explanations are great, but a lack of questions hinders this site's worth.

REA Online SAT Tests: No registration, 20 questions. While other test makers are offering free practice tests and hundreds of practice questions, REA's outdated 20-question quiz is pretty pathetic. The 3 analogy questions and 2 math comparison questions are no longer on the SAT, leaving 15 useful questions. Plus, there are no writing questions. The quiz is online, it self-grades, and gives good explanations for all answers. The quiz is fast and easy to take, but probably is not worth it.

Vista School District SAT Online: No registration, 12 Math, 24 Critical Reading. There's not a ton to these quizzes, but they are free. They are online, and self-grade. Though the correct answers show at the bottom of the page, there are no explanations. Half of the critical reading questions are analogies, which are not on the SAT anymore. There's no problem with the site, other than the small size.

Majon Test Prep: No registration. Only a few problems, but has a good review of how to answer specific types of questions.